WHAT IS Ediagnostics?

E-Diagnostic is integrated website and mobile Login to manage the medical laboratories and Radiology’s system, as it fulfils all the needs of medical laboratories from all their professional aspects, as it allows the users of the system the results of medical tests and facilitates communication and cooperation between laboratory employees and extracts all the required reports from the laboratory and Radiology.  E-Diagnostic testing is a structural testing method that involves using the source code of a program in order to find every possible executable path. It helps to determine all faults lying within a piece of code. This method is designed to execute all or selected path through a computer program Sends all reports on WhatsApp and all the reports are available on patients login and Doctor login on the website.


  • Home visit Prepaid/Postpaid
  • Multi Language Support
  • Multiple Branch Handling
  • Add Master
  • Patient Register Paid/Unpaid
  • Doctor Login (OPD Management)
  • Medicine and Category
  • Paytm Integration
  • Multiple roles and access permissions
  • Package creation with multiple tests and cultures.
  • Multiple price list creation.