BESTIND GSTPRO is a desktop based offline ERP software where user can easily manager their Shop/Supermarket/Showroom related every details. It includes stock purchase order/purchase/sales order/delivery challan/ sales invoice/payments/advance payments /journals / cheque bounce / stock adjustments/wastage etc. Along with this user can also manage their production process and other details related to product on their finger tip. GST Pro provides 700+reports which help user to get business details easily. 


  • QR CODE and BARCODE print on invoice
  • WhatsApp all your Invoices and Reports
  • Custom Barcode (13 digits) (For weighing scales)
  • Auto backup every 45 mins and Send the Backup to Google Drive
  • Auto Create Purchase Order (According to Min Stock)
  • Product wise Sales man
  • Auto  Cheque  Bounce Journal Entries and Vice versa
  • More Than 700+ types of Reports
  • 7+ types of discount many more such as: Buy N get N
    • Invoice Wise Discount
    • Quantity Wise Discount
    • Customer Loyalty Points
    • Coupons
    • Free Products
    • Discount on Discount
  • 10+ additional fields for extra information in sales/purchase/Items/JWS etc.